Monday, August 6, 2012

The Museum of Endangered Sounds

The Museum of Endangered Sounds is owned and operated by Brendan Chilcutt. He launched the site in 2012 as a way to archive and preserve the sounds made by old technologies and electronics equipment. Think about it... what sounds do you remember from your childhood that you just don't hear anymore? How about a dial-up modem, a VHS tape going in to a VCR, a dot matrix printer, or the sounds of your favorite video games. Check out the site and click around on some of the thumbnail images to hear some of these noises from gadgets from a bygone era. Oh geez...I'm now old enough to have lived in a "bygone era."


Here are a couple of additional stories on this topic:
Washington Post's article "Museum of Endangered Sounds enshrines audio from bygone era"
NPR story: "What's That Sound? Preserving The Noise of Old Gadgets"

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